Photoshop Templates

Photoshop Templates

Photoshop Templates Badge Boy

You can download our photoshop template files here.

Once you've designed your badge(s), just send us your files along with your required quantity and delivery details.

We will then take everything from there.

Downloadable Templates

Photoshop Templates Badge Boy

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Templates

When sending us your files, you can either send them to us as standard photoshop files, or, if you have used specific fonts or typefaces, then you can send us the files as hi-res JPEGs. If you do send us the files as JPEGs, then please remove the top layer from the photoshop template.

Once we have received your files, we will then use your contact information to "register" your job on our system. At this point, you will receive an automated email which contains a unique link for online payment. This email also contains a pdf attachment which is a more formal invoice should you prefer to pay by bank transfer..

We've tried to make everything as easy and straightforward as possible, but should you have any further questions, then please feel free to contact us.