Upload Your Artwork

Upload Your Artwork To Us

Upload Your Artwork Badge Boy

If you already have your artwork to hand, then you can send it to us by using the form below, don't forget to include your delivery details and quantity of badges required. Please note that all our badges are printed at 300dpi (dots per inch), so please make sure that your artwork can be printed at this resolution.

We can accept virtually all graphic file formats, but if there is a problem then we will contact you to discuss the issue.

For multiple file uploads, please select all by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking the files you want to upload.
e.g. 58mm button badges, or 25mm gold clutch back
Please add any notes or further instructions
Please let us know where you would like the badges sent. Once we have checked your artwork, we will send you an invoice via email that contains a special link for online payment. Once payment is received, your badges are automatically put into production.